Lift your spirit with contemporary paintings created in wild, untamed nature.

Unique art works that bring beauty, inspiration and an uplifting vibe to your home and workplace.

Hi, I’m Bettina

I create contemporary oil & mixed media paintings that encapsulate a deep connection with animate nature, wild ancient landscapes, palaeolithic & stone age ancestory and the realm of myth and story. Out in nature, I paint these art works off the beaten track. I immerse myself in untamed landscapes, primeval life and the more than human realms. Discover more about my creative, geophilosophical and professional background.

I paint in wild places

I paint in nature, in ancient forests, on limestone rocks and where the skies are vast. I find myself on the craggy cliffs above the sea in Devon, climbing up steep tracks of chamois in the Alps or wandering where the long horned cattle roam through Epping Forest. Merging with the land, I work in the mystery, in the unknown, in a state of presence where I am open and listening to what wants to come through. I am sensing, feeling & painting the forces, energies, vibrations, spirits, myths & stories that the landscapes & the seascapes hold. 

Explore the painting collections

The Alps

The Coast of Devon

Epping Forest

“It is a rarity today to find an artist to whom paint is such a complete language as it is to Bettina Reiber.”

Howard Hull - Director of the Brantwood Trust and the Ruskin Foundation

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